Texas state law requires that APPROVED minutes be made available to property owners. Since these meetings are only held once or twice a year, we post them here unapproved as a courtesy. PLEASE NOTE: An Annual Property Owner meeting is required by Texas law. A General Meeting is called by the Board President only when time is critical for dissemination of information or voting on Association business is needed.
Click on the document to view it here. When the page opens, you will see two icons on the top right of the page - one will allow you to download the document and the other will allow you to print it.
BEHA gen mtg minutes 5.16.24.pdf
2023 ANNUAL MEETING - We were all pleased to meet in person this year! Woodland Heights was gracious enough to lend us the use of their community room.
BEHA Nov 2023 Annual Meeting minutes.pdf - UNAPPROVED
2022 ANNUAL MEETING - Based on comments from our residents about concerns of having an in-person meeting because of a resurgence of Covid, an aggressive form of flu and RSV, the Board opted to conduct the Annual Meeting electronically along with a ballot for voting which was emailed to those for whom we have an email or sent USPS to all others.
2022 Annual Meeting Minutes - APPROVED.pdf
DECEMBER 2021 & 2020 ANNUAL MEETINGS - Due to Covid restrictions, these meetings were held virtually using a web-based poll to seek approval of the previous year's minutes, the proposed next year's budget and open board and committee positions. Both presentations and 2020 videos can be found elsewhere under this tab.
2021 Annual Meeting Minutes APPROVED.pdf
2020 Annual Meeting Minutes - Approved.pdf
11.12.19 Annual Meeting Minutes - Approved.pdf
11.13.18 Annual Meeting Minutes - Approved.pdf
03.27.18 General Meeting Minutes - Approved.pdf
10.17.17 Annual Meeting Minutes - Approved.pdf